The importance of 'self-care'
08th January 2022
Self-care, something so important, yet how often do we take time for ourselves?
When you think of self-care, what do you think of, how important is it to you?
Often, I talk with clients about the importance of taking time to care for and nurture themselves. Frequently, people don’t even know where to start, yet self-care is so vital to help us de-stress, relax, sleep well, maintain positive moods and cope with everyday anxieties.
Here’s a few suggestions to get you thinking what you could do to improve your self-care:
Activities you can do:
- Keep a daily journal - writing down your thoughts and feelings can really help you offload and gain clarity
- Practice mindfulness, grounding, deep breathing, meditation or relaxation techniques
- Exercise - go for a walk, practice yoga, go to the gym/cycling/swimming
- Connect with nature - appreciate your environment
- Gardening - enjoy the outdoors and get productive
- Pamper yourself - take a bath, indulge in a beauty routine
- Take time out to cook a healthy meal
- Find time for your favourite hobby, start a new one or indulge in an old hobby
- Declutter a small space - this can give you a sense of control/organisation as well as distract and de-stress you
- Catch up with friends/family - take time to talk, have fun and engage with those you care about
Create something special:
- Create your very own 'self-care or rescue box' - a place where you can add all the things you may find useful to help you unwind, switch off, relax, relieve anxiety or improve your mood.
A 'self-care or rescue box' is something I would discuss in a session with clients, if appropriate, and explore my ‘self-care handout’ which includes lots of activity suggestions and items to add to the box.
There are lots of things you can do for your self-care, the suggestions above are just a few ideas to get you thinking! The main thing is to recognise you need to take some time out to re-charge, heal, repair and love youself enough!
“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance”
Oscar Wilde